Friday, November 23, 2012

Moving Remembrance

Monumental Motivation Feature:  HERE

I hope everyone has had a lovely Thanksgiving! Almost a year ago Ray, Ramie, and Shey Harris passed away, and this season especially reminds us of our dearly missed friends. As a reminder, my motivation for the marathon "Running for Ramie" was chosen by the Monumental Marathon Team and today they featured Ramie's story in their promotional pieces. This feature included and email to over 10,000 race participants and many others who visit the race site. I am so thankful that we can still honor Ramie and the Harris family by continuing to share her story and allow others to be impacted positively because of the inspiration she was to so many. Thanks and blessings to all who have supported me in this effort. Check out the article HERE! Pin It

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Race Video

Heather:: "Hands are Freezing" pose
Me- also very cold!
My dear friend Heather ran the last 6 miles with Bethany and I to encourage us and help us to keep on going! She fed me energy blocks when my hands were too cold to open the package, and lent me her gloves even though she was just as cold! In case you couldn't tell, it was raining during the race. It actually hailed first, then rained for the last hour. We were all too determined to even consider stopping, so really it made us more motivated to beat the circumstances. Heather also recorded some of the race with her phone and made this awesome video for me:::: Running for Ramie Pin It

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Post-Marathon Pictures!

Bethany and I finished the race and it went so well! I will include a more in depth recap soon, but for now, here are some snapshots from after the race! Thanks for all your support! 

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Friday, November 2, 2012

Go Time!

The special running shirt I ordered for the race!
After months of preparation. The weekend of the marathon is finally here! I am beyond thankful and encouraged by so many things that have happened over this span of time. There is one I would like to share with you today, and more will follow post race! I posted on September 6th about an opportunity the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon offered for participants to share the cause they are running for. I sent in information about Running for Ramie and just learned today that my "Monumental Motivation" was chosen! They will share the story in a series of Monumental Stories that will run along with a promotion for the new 2013 calendar following the event this weekend. In addition, I have been awarded two entries to next years race. The reason I was so excited to hear about this was that it really highlights the reason I chose to run this race. In the sharing of this story, Ramie's life can be honored and God can be glorified. I would appreciate prayers tomorrow during the race and recovery process. If you want to receive text updates when I pass certain checkpoints or just when I finish, you can sign up here in less than a minute! Thanks again and don't forget to wear your shirts tomorrow if you have ordered and received them.  Pin It

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Laura sporting her Running for Ramie shirt on Cowles Mountain in San Diego, California!

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

5 DAYS! Send in a Running for Ramie picture!

My 2012 pumpkin:: carving is the perfect post-run therapeutic activity!

The race is in 5 days! For those who may be considering joining in the race day fun, I've done a little research on the course MAP. There are a few hot spots we pass like Broad Ripple, Butler University (my first alma mater), and the Indianapolis Museum of Art.  Most of those are in the second half of the race and would be great places to stake out a spot. From my understanding, usually the last 6 miles is the toughest, simply because the runner is exhausted and at that point they are beyond normal training mileage. I'm looking forward to seeing those Running for Ramie shirts during those tough times! Also, just knowing that nearly 100 people have supported me in this way is such an encouragement. Email with a picture of you sporting your shirt and I'll post it on the blog! The funds earned will make a big difference in a future student's life! Check out the monumental website for more race info! Pin It

Monday, October 22, 2012

Shirt & Tank Sale --4 days left!

The first order of shirts has arrived and they look great! Thanks to our friends at The Art Press and over 70 supporters! There is one week left to order a shirt or tank-- All proceeds go to the Ramie Harris Memorial Scholarship Fund. Order yours today! Good for wilderness exploring, dancing, staying dry in the rain, jumping higher, becoming smarter, and becoming more flexible! [Studio Photo cred to Jonathan Wormgoor]

Also Check out this Student Video & hear about the race in Interview form: Running for Ramie Interview
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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ramie and her Gear

Anyone who knew Ramie well knew she had to have the best gear. Wether it was a heart rate monitor watch or a sharp looking warmup, Ramie would always be sporting the latest and greatest. In my training I have entered further into this realm. I purchased a belt to hold my nutritional supplements while running and was just gifted some wonderful socks from a Chicago marathoner. There is definitely a link between how you look and how you feel. Being a psychology major, I am familiar with research that shows higher test grades correlating with students who dressed up for a test compared to those who wore normal clothing. I think this is true in running as well. Runners want to be comfortable and wear functional clothing, but also find the most streamlined option for doing so. Included in this post are some shots of the gear that gets me excited for running. Pin It

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fall Break

I had the opportunity to visit some dear friends in Boston over our school's fall break time, which was a great retreat! Because of my limited time there, I decided to suspend my really long run for later this week. After this run, of about 18 miles, I plan to taper my mileage and start the recovery process to get ready for the big day! Things are certainly coming together for the race. The finished shirts should arrive soon and donations have continued to be received. Again, I am so thankful and humbled by this continual support. Here are a few pictures from my trip: Beacon Hill, Harvard, a Salem Mass Cafe, Sitting Beach at Sunset.
Friends Reunited

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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Breakfast of Champions!

I completed a 17 mile run this morning. Other than facing the wind for a few stretches, I enjoyed a beautiful, brisk fall morning. It is the first time I have kept a second layer on the whole time, and I will probably start wearing gloves next week. This is also the first time I have run by myself without my ipod. I was encouraged to try it because on race day there is a lot to take in and being "in my own world" might take away from the experience. My only concern is that the last hour or so will probably be the hardest and I might want that distraction, but I know I'll be able to push through regardless. I included some pictures of the breakFEAST I made myself after the run. This should reveal my growing passions for photography and nutrition/cooking. Also, I love breakfast! Have a great weekend!

1. Mustache mug half filled with Orange Juice
2. Coconut vanilla yogurt, banana, almond butter, and a bit of granola.
3. Feta, mushroom, onion, green pepper & avocado omelette

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Marathon in ONE Month!

The marathon is taking place one month from yesterday, that is hard to believe but I am so excited and feeling prepared! I'll be running 17 mi. this weekend. Today I went to Indy to finalize the Running for Ramie shirt order details and they are to be printed Friday! Can't wait to start training in mine. I know seeing them around will only further motivate me to reach my goal. Thanks for all your support and I'd also like to give a big thanks to the Art Press who made this possible. Their customized design and flexibility have been a huge blessing. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Last Day for Tshirt Orders!

Just a reminder that today is the last day to buy Running for Ramie shirts. The response has been wonderful, especially in the past week alone. Thanks to all who have contributed! It is going to be wonderful to see them around town, on Taylor's campus, and on race day! Pin It

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Thankful for Community Support

I have been encouraged over the past few days to see the overwhelming support of our community in this effort! On Sunday, I had the opportunity to speak at God's House about Ramie and what we are trying to accomplish through Running for Ramie. We received over 100 dollars! Thanks!

Additionally, the Marion Chronicle Tribune featured a lovely story about Running for Ramie. This was printed on Monday and can be accessed online. A big thanks to the local press for seeing value in what we are doing! Needless to say, I have been very humbled by this recent wave of support. There is one week left to buy shirts and we have still been receiving steady orders. It will be very exciting to see them around town as well as on our supporters at the race November third. Thank you for sharing in this excitement!

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Monday, September 24, 2012

20 Miles @ 5 In the Morning !

While Bethany and I have been following similar training plans, our differing schedules have not allowed for any joint runs so far. That changed on Saturday when we found a time, 5 a.m. to be exact, to run 20 miles together. I typically listen to a mix of music, sermons, and TedTalks during my runs but was pleasantly surprised to be able to keep up a 3-4 hour conversation with my running partner. We took a few water breaks throughout and didn't start to really feel pain until the last 5 or so. This may have had to do with the hills on which we finished our route. At any rate, we completed the 20 mile task thanking God for the inspiration Ramie has been, the lovely weather & the support of our community. Here is a post run pic of Bethany and I!

Also, the Marion Chronicle Tribune featured Running for Ramie in an article today. Be sure to pick up a copy and know that we appreciate your continued support! Pin It

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Guest Blog: Meet a fellow runner!

Hey everyone! I’m Bethany Kirkwood and I along with my friends Tamara Barrett and Chris Kochanek will be running the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon on November 3rd. When I decided that I was ready to tackle the marathon, I knew that I did not want to do it without a purpose. I wanted to run for something bigger than just the satisfaction of completing 26.2 miles, I wanted to run for the glory of God. When I started my marathon training, I stumbled upon a verse from The Bible that has stuck with me through every run; Psalms 26:2 “Test me, O LORD, and try me, examine my heart and my mind.” I truly feel that God has brought us girls together to be a voice and hope for Ramie and her family. While Ramie and I were never close friends, we were teammates. I was able to play sports with her during middle school, and something I can say is that she made it a point to include me and give me confidence when I lacked it. If it were not for people like Ramie giving me courage to excel in things I enjoyed, such as running, I would never be where I am today. I am blessed to be a voice for such a beautiful angel, who has captured the hearts of so many people. I would ask that if you feel it in your heart to donate, whether it is financially or in prayer, we would appreciate it more than you could ever imagine. God Bless! -Bethany

**Chris recently decided to join us in Running for Ramie as well! Pin It

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ramie's Run

I just learned of another opportunity to support the Harris family through an athletic event! Ramie's Run is promoting health and wellness for children in Grant County. Ramie was a premed major and definitely had a heart for helping people.  Also, as I've mentioned before, she loved to be active! This seems like another great way to honor her memory this fall! I hope you can all be there to support the Harris family! Here is the event website: 

ALSO: Thank you to everyone who has purchased a t-shirt or donated to Ramie's scholarship fund so far! The response has been so encouraging and crucial in the motivation for my training. Because of the continuing interest in t shirts, we have extended the deadline until September 24th! It's quick and easy to place an order by clicking the tshirt tab at the top of this page. They will be shipped at the end of the month! 

Lastly, I would like to say thankyou to all who have defended our country or continue to today. I am appreciative of those who sacrificed their lives on 9/11 and my condolences are with all whose families were personally affected through those losses. I remember and honor you, especially today. 

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Share your Story

Today Bethany and I got to meet up and strategize for what the next two months might look like. We really want to be wise about our training but stay focused on the point of it all. It was very encouraging to spend time together and talk about all of the ideas we still have for raising awareness and funds before the race. This is one cool thing that Bethany read about our marathon:

Every year we are amazed by the incredible stories that you have about your inspiring accomplishments and "Monumental Motivations." Have you or someone you know overcome adversity or excelled in an extraordinary way to be a part of the 2012 IMM?If so, we want to hear from you.

We plan on submitting our story so that hopefully more people can learn about Ramie and the Harris family-- Thanks for your continued support! Pin It

Monday, September 3, 2012

2 Months to Go!

2 Months from today I will have accomplished the task of running a marathon in memory of my dear friend Ramie and in honor of her family. That is exciting and terrifying at the same time. I went on a long run today and realized I still have a lot of factors to consider as far as nutrition and hydration throughout the event.  Overall I am thankful for the opportunity and that my goal is to finish, not set a record. We have sold a lot of shirts but I know there are so many people who would love them if they knew about the cause so please share this with anyone you can! Anyone who played sports with, or even knew, Ramie can attest to her love of good gear. She would totally love the idea of selling them to raise money for an awesome cause. I believe a little bit of healing occurs each time I get to share this experience with someone new. When I get to explain my motivation for running, and raising funds, it reminds me all over again that it isn't at all about me- but rather lifting up the Harris family in honor. This is going to get even more difficult as I run distances (from this week on) I have never run in my life, but I'm thankful for encouragement from those who are choosing to invest in this cause. 

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

XT:: Cross Training

Although still in the beginning stages of training, I am really enjoying the cross training I have been able to do. I normally complete long runs on the weekends but additional cardio and strength really helps keep my workouts interesting. The great summer weather we have experienced lately has allowed me to rollerblade, paddle board, kayak, play tennis, soccer, and bike.  Tomorrow I leave for a 60 mile bike trip in Michigan with other Taylor University residence life students and staff. Ramie and I took hip hop for a number of years, and I was able to do some dancing this summer as well as a new favorite of mine, Piloxing. I actually completed a certification course in Piloxing and hope to teach in the upcoming year. Being in my senior year, and also realizing in light of this accident that life is not certain, I have began to dive in to new adventures that I previously delayed.  Ramie always liked to push herself and dedicate time and effort to worthy causes, and I hope that I can honor her life by doing the same this fall.

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ready, Set, GO!

I have two wonderful updates to share:

1) We already received our first donation of $52.40 (26.2 x 2)--What an awesome start!


Our friends at The Art Press created this website which makes it so easy to order a "Running for Ramie" tshirt and have it shipped directly to you! We are accepting orders until September 15th and then we will print and distribute shortly after! Share this opportunity with friends and family and consider buying one as a gift for someone else. All proceeds go to Ramie's scholarship fund, let's get excited!

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Happy Indianapolis Monumental Marathon Day!

My name is Tamara and I have decided to train and run for a marathon in the memory and honor of my friend Ramie Harris. For those of you who may not know, she tragically passed away in a plane accident, along with her father and sister, last fall. In seeking to accomplish this goal of completing the marathon, I am asking for support from those who also know and love the Harris family- in the form of words of encouragement, sharing of stories,  and a monetary donation if possible.  Any money raised from these efforts will go directly into the Ramie Harris Scholarship fund which has been put in place to sponsor a student from Grant County who will be attending Wheaton College, the last school Ramie attended and loved. The community foundation has so graciously partnered with me to help in promotion of this cause, and we are excited to share this experience with you. Our friends at the Art Press ( ) specially designed a tshirt for this event which will allow for a way to support both visually, and financially. For more information about the scholarship, tshirt, & Ramie, check out the additional tabs at the top! Follow the blog for more updates on my training, fundraising opportunities, and to learn more about Ramie's life and how she has impacted so many! Pin It